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End of the season...

Riding season that it...  Made it to 21 November :-)

So, that's her when she's "all together"...

Turned a few wrenches and reminded myself that a degree in "Mechanical Engineering" does not in fact make one a "Mechanic".  Also reminded myself why I used to wear a LOT of leather and denim...  Not a fashion statement, it would have saved a bit of my calf from the 3rd degree burn from the exhaust :-)  Messed up back and dismounting incorrectly....  The 'wing was kind enough to point out my error...

Well, on to gaming, getting MUCH more into my Wolves...  Played out a "Logan Wing" at 1000 points...  Frighteningly effective, and I'm thinking that the Wolf Guard with the Claws and Logan's Preferred Enemy made for a REALLY effective assault phase...  Going to have to convert out the combi weapons and the like...  Should be interesting at least...

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